Central Oregon Actuate is LOCAL crowd funding. That means all projects will be strictly from the three CO counties. At this time, that means Crook, Deschutes, and Jefferson.

CO Actuate will be more accessible to small projects, local teams, and businesses. Maybe you want tee-shirts, get family and friends to fund you. Maybe you have a team in local, state, or even national competitions. Allow local folks and businesses to fund your travel and expenses through COActuate. Want to start a business; get support from your friends and neighbors, or others nearby.

CO Actuate will handle bulk emails to your contact list. CO Actuate will provide space for descriptions, wants, or needs for your project. CO Actuate will provide a single point of collection, allowing the use of credit and debit cards on-line, and issue email receipts to contributors.

Maybe you have an invention? This is the perfect place to display a video, explain it, and show a prototype. Get it funded by people who understand what you are doing.

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